Monday 1 June 2009

Getting the Balance Right

Anais Nin the French author said “The personal life deeply lived always expands into truths beyond itself.”

Over the years I have spent a lot of time away from home and my family; sometimes as much as six months of any one year. On the Presentation Team I was away Monday to Friday nine months of each of the two years I was on the Team. Such arrangements can and often do deeply affect family life. It is critical that no matter what business you are in, you must devote some of your time to your family and social life. Never forget that you would not be in the position you are in, or as successful as you are without the backing of your family, friends and colleagues. At times work will take over your life and it is easy to forget or disassociate yourself with the outside world. Spend time with your family because children grow up too quickly and partners also get fed up playing second fiddle to work.

Likewise if your staff are required to spend time away from home travelling or at other locations around the country, remember that they need time to adjust to being away and also need the opportunity to be with their families as well. Be compassionate wherever possible and although work often has to come first, occasionally relax that requirement and allow family to take centre stage. Your rewards for such considerations will be immense, if not in the monetary sense.

Once again it comes back to keeping your work force happy, loyal and gaining their respect. Also, if your work force has a happy home life the chances are that they will perform better at work, therefore you gain in every way. When family members are away from home for a significant period, try and arrange for someone (if you do not feel able) to give their partner a call and see if they need anything. A simple courtesy call can make a world of difference to the way the family view you and your company.

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